Industrial and civil monolithic floor coatings
SIPI Nord Srl
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Preparation of substrates

Preparation of asting area

Our company aims to achieve new, higher standards of excellence in the field of monolithic flooring.

The development of this program has addressed the needs of customers who seek a quality standard that ensures full functionality of the flooring choice made.

In this respect the qualifying elements taken as a reference point are:

  1. Verification of substrates
  2. Preparation of the casting areas
  3. Materials used (concrete and reinforcing specific to  DURSICAL )
  4. Equipment and machinery required to install the flooring

We also assume the task, where possible, of educating site managers and workers of our Client companies who want to use their own workforce in order to ensure the proper execution and installation of the Performance Flooring. We ensure that the product is being used correctly during the renovation phase,on deficient flooring.

Preparation of casting area   Preparation of area  Preparation of casting area  Preparation of final casting area 
Preparation of casting area   Laying of concrete by hand  Laying of concrete by laser  Laying of concrete by vibrating machine
S.I.P.I. Nord Srl - Società Italiana Pavimenti Industriali - I 00191 Roma Corso di Francia 183
tel. +39.06.36381299 - fax +39.06.36382132 -
C.F. 02771140585 P.I. 01115131003